Archives: Commercial

Planning can make a significant difference to the value and fitness for purpose of an asset

In order for real estate to compete on a like for like basis with other asset classes it needs to be maintained and updated to best practice standards

The relationship between landlord and tenant needs to shift to that of business and consumer

The difference between a positive return and the need to inject more cash can often be determined by the quality of the asset management

The shifting winds of globalisation are blowing some manufacturing activity back to the UK’s shores according to the Engineering Employers Federation

Office space needs to provide an environment where people can balance the demands of their life and work

Online retail has shaken up shopping so that only the fittest survive

The boundaries between online and offline entertainment are blurring and the demands on real estate are becoming subsequently more complex

In uncertain times it takes skill and experience to crystalise value within challenging timescales.

There is a real skill in creating destinations and places where people intrinsically feel comfortable and want to spend time